Muhlenberg County Public Libraries is looking forward to an exciting celebration April 13-18.
That week is National Library Week.
The libraries will host daily drawings for small prizes, as well as drawings for goody bags for adults and children at the end of the week. Light refreshments will be provided at the libraries each day. In addition, the library will accept non-perishable food products in lieu of fine payments during National Library Week. Snacks and breakfast foods will take $5 off a patron’s fine total, and canned and ready-to-eat foods will take $2 off the total. All food collected will go toward the backpack program.
The Muhlenberg County Public Libraries’ Friends of the Library will kick off National Library Week with a new book club to help readers find interesting titles to enjoy. The first club meeting is April 13.
Rather than everyone reading the same book at the same time, participants in the Friends’ book club will choose their own books. At each meeting, club members will have the opportunity to share their thoughts on what they’ve read and hear other members’ opinions about various titles.
The club promises to be a fun way to share recommendations and learn more about books you may be interested in reading.
The first meeting will be held Monday, April 13, 2015 at 7 p.m. at Thistle Cottage. Coffee and snacks will be provided during the book club meeting.
Everyone is invited to attend this meeting and join the new book club.
Muhlenberg County Public Libraries will also host a teen sock hop during National Library Week. This event will be held at the Central City Public Library meeting room on Friday, April 17 from 5 to 8 p.m. Themed dress is encouraged but not required. Refreshments will be provided.
We encourage all Muhlenberg County residents to visit and support their local libraries during National Library Week. For more information about the book club, sock hop or other National Library Week events, contact Muhlenberg County Public Libraries at 270-338-4760.