Did you know that the library offers other services in addition to lending media? Here is a list of just some of the services we provide:
- Copies (black and white only) – 20 cents per page
- Printing – 20 cents per page (Mobile PrintingĀ available)
- Laminating – 2″ x 3″ is 25 cents; Larger sizes available with appointments
- Notary – available with appointments
- Meeting Room Use – Click HERE to reserve a meeting room for your group
- Outreach – home and assisted living deliveries and programs (Click HERE if you’re interested in this service)
- Bryson Photo Negative Collection
- More than eight public computers – available at each location for internet use, word processing, etc.
- Thistle Cottage rentals – available with appointments
- Basic computer classes – available with appointments
- Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library – Click HERE to sign up. Thanks to the Muhlenberg County Public Libraries and Felix E. Martin Jr. Foundation, all of the preschoolers in the community can now have their own book mailed to them each month until their 5th birthday.