Christmas is coming, and Muhlenberg County Public Libraries will be ready!
It’s almost time for the Jubilee of Trees at Muhlenberg County Public Libraries’ Thistle Cottage.
The Jubilee of Trees features trees decorated by local businesses and organizations, each with a different fantasy children’s story as the theme. Each organization chooses their own theme, and every tree is different. This year’s Jubilee features trees decorated by:
- Muhlenberg County Public Libraries
- Alpha Iota
- Armour Built
- Commercial Printing
- Depot Gifts and Corner Fashions
- First Kentucky Bank
- First Southern National Bank
- Girl Scouts
- God’s Angels
- Greenville Tourism
- Happy Feet
- Job Corps Counseling Department
- LeeDawn Originals
- Muhlenberg Arts Council
- Muhlenberg County Extension Service
- Old National Bank
- Opportunity Center
- Owensboro Health – Muhlenberg Community Hospital
Visitors to the Jubilee of Trees will have the chance to vote for their favorite tree. At the end of the year, after the Jubilee of Trees closes, the organization that gets the most votes gets a certificate and bragging rights for a year.
The library also gives away a book for each tree. One name will be drawn out of the votes for each tree, and the winner receives the appropriate book for that tree.
The Jubilee of Trees opens Dec. 1 with an open house from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will remain open through the end of the year. Cookies and hot chocolate will be available during the open house.
Santa Claus will also visit the Jubilee of Trees during the open house. Guests are welcome to visitwith Santa and take pictures with him.
In the past, a professional photographer has been on hand at Thistle Cottage to take photos of visitors with Santa Claus for a fee, but Muhlenberg County Public Libraries’ Amie Waltrip said the library is trying something different this year. “We’ve had several people ask about just taking their own photos, so we’re going to give that a shot,” Waltrip explained. “Our photographers have been fantastic about getting photos sorted, edited and printed as quickly as possible, but we understand that some people need their pictures right away.
“This way, there’s absolutely no wait time. They have immediate access to their photos.”
Visitors who want to take pictures with Santa will need to bring their own cameras. Each guest will have a few moments to sit with Santa and to take the photos they want before Santa has to move on to the next guest.
The Jubilee of Trees is free to visit and after the open house will be open to the public during regular business hours, Mon.-Fri. from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For more information about the Jubilee of Trees, contact Muhlenberg County Public Libraries’ Thistle Cottage at 270-338-4760.