Muhlenberg County Public Libraries held their adult Summer Reading finale on July 6 at Thistle Cottage with a luncheon and tribute to local veterans. Thirty-five were in attendance.
Adult programmers Rena Cobb and Marlene Ford said they had great success with this year’s program. Forty-one people participated in the program, which lasted through the month of June, and those 41 read a total of 640 books during the program period. Programs were held at both Harbin Memorial and Central City Public Library.
The theme for this year’s Summer Reading program was “Escape the Ordinary,” a hero-related theme. As such, the programmers said, they decided to recognize local veterans during the finale. Veterans were invited to attend the luncheon along with participants in the Summer Reading program, and they received a certificate and small gift thanking them for their service to the nation.
The Summer Reading Program is an annual event. Adults are asked to read and submit short reviews of the books they completed during the program, but there is no minimum amount of books they must complete to participate. The libraries host smaller programs and giveaways throughout the month as well as the finale, where participants are recognized for how many books they read and have a chance to win prizes. The entire program is free, and everyone is encouraged to participate.
The library also hosted summer reading programs for children and teens, which ended last week. The finale for those programs will be a pool party, to be held Thursday, July 9 and Saturday, July 11 at 7 p.m. at the Central City Convention Center. Anyone who participated in the children’s and teen summer reading programs at either Muhlenberg County Public Library branch is welcome to attend the finale, but you must be registered for your preferred date.

The crowd applauds as veterans are recognized during the adult Summer Reading finale on July 6. Since this summer’s program had a hero theme, local veterans were invited to attend the finale along with program participants and were recognized and thanked for their service to the nation.