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Summer Reading 2024 is coming soon!

UPDATE: Registration is now open! Visit or stop by either library branch to sign up for Summer Reading 2024!


The school year is coming to a close, but Muhlenberg County Public Libraries is gearing up for a fun way to continue the learning experience through the summer.

The library’s annual Summer Reading Program will officially begin June 3, with registration beginning May 20.

The library is focusing on connecting reading and learning with physical activity with this year’s program theme, “Read Like a Champion.”
Library director Janet Harris explained that the Summer Reading Program is a way for people to continue using their reading and other skills throughout the summer, which in turns helps preserve those skills for the future. She said, “’Use it or lose it’ is actually pretty true when it comes to education, as well as physical activity … if we don’t exercise, we lose our muscle tone. The same type of thing can happen to our brains.
“If we don’t use what we’ve learned, and continue to keep our minds active, we can easily forget it all.”

Younger students, in particular, tend to lose some of the skills they gained during the previous school year if they don’t continue to use those skills throughout their summer break, Harris said, causing them to be at a disadvantage when school resumes in the fall. “The ‘summer slide’ is very real and can be very detrimental to a child’s education,” she said. Students can easily fall behind during the summer months if they don’t continue to read and learn, causing them to struggle to keep up during the following school year.

The “summer slide” is generally thought of in connection to younger students, but a similar phenomenon can affect all ages, even adults. “It is so important at any age to use what we’ve learned to keep our brains active,” Harris said.

In order to offset those potential setbacks, the library’s Summer Reading Program includes activities for all ages from 18 months through adult.

“It’s a common misconception that Summer Reading is only for kids,” Harris said. “That’s not true – it’s for everyone!”

One of the aims of the Summer Reading Program is, of course, to get participants reading, although that isn’t the only goal. Everyone is encouraged to read as much as they can throughout the course of the program. Reading trackers (either online or on paper) help participants and library staff see their progress, and readers are rewarded with various incentives for active participation in the program.

Harris added that any kind of reading can be included. “It doesn’t really matter as much WHAT you read, as long as you are reading something,” she said. “We just want everyone to keep their minds engaged, and any kind of reading – graphic novels, popular fiction, non-fiction, whatever – can do that.

“We don’t tell anyone what they should be reading, or not reading, we just try to convince everyone to read something.”
However, Harris added, while reading is the main focus, that is only one component of the library’s summer program. She said, “Learning comes in many forms, and reading is only one of those.” As such, the library also hosts weekly themed activities for children and teens during the Summer Reading Program as well as frequent activities for adults.

Most of these activities are educational in some way, but they are also designed to be fun for those taking part. “We don’t want this to be a boring thing that people dread; that defeats the purpose,” Harris said. “It should be fun!” Library staff carefully plan entertaining, enjoyable activities that will keep participants learning new information and skills or using what they’ve learned previously. This year’s “Read Like a Champion” theme also includes a physical component; sports and games will be incorporated into the summer’s activities.

Harris also noted that staff try to plan a variety of types of activities so there is something for everyone.

Harris said, “In the end, we always have a great time during our Summer Reading Program. We want people to understand that the library is a fun place they can look forward to visiting, and Summer Reading is a wonderful opportunity for us to show that.”

This year’s Summer Reading Program activities begin on June 3 and run through the end of the month. Children’s and teen activities will be held on the following days and times:

  • Storytime (18 mo.-5 yrs.) – 10 a.m. on Tuesdays (Greenville) and 1 p.m. on Thursdays (Central City)
  • K-2nd grade – 1 p.m. on Tuesdays (Greenville) and 3:30 p.m. on Thursdays (Central City)
  • 3rd-5th grade – 10 a.m. on Mondays (Greenville) and 1 p.m. on Fridays (Central City)
  • Teens – 3:30 p.m. on Tuesdays (Greenville) and 5:30 p.m. on Thursdays (Central City)

All activities are optional, and participants can choose which day/location they will attend according to their own schedules.

Additionally, the library will host an “Animal Tales” program, with live animal presentations, on June 21 and is planning to co-sponsor an event with Muhlenberg County Parks and Recreation on June 12.

Children and teens participating in the Summer Reading Program will also be treated to a special finale party at the end of the program (currently planned as a pool party at the Greenville Municipal Pool on the evening of June 28, pending final arrangements).

Adult activities will not follow the same weekly schedule as younger participants, but several activities will be available to adult Summer Reading participants throughout the month, including games, cooking programs and more.

More information and final dates of all these activities will be available later.
The Adult Summer Reading Program will continue through July 10, with a finale program to celebrate participants’ progress on July 19.
Summer Reading Program registration begins May 20 for all age groups. An online sign-up form will be available through a link on the library website, or readers can sign up in person at either library. Participation packets including additional information, reading logs and extra activities will also be available at both libraries.

Summer Reading participants can begin tracking their reading as soon as they sign up and pick up their participation packets.

A special kick-off event for children and teens, featuring fun and games in the yard at Thistle Cottage, is also scheduled for 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on May 20. (Beware – you may get wet!) This will also serve as an opportunity to register for the Summer Reading Program.

All Summer Reading Program events and activities are provided free of charge.
For more information about Muhlenberg County Public Libraries’ “Read Like a Champion” Summer Reading Program, contact the library at 270-338-4760 or online at You can also follow the library on Facebook, Instagram and X for further updates.

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