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Seed Library now open!

Muhlenberg County Public Libraries is excited to welcome back a popular seasonal service, the seed library, for a fourth year this spring.
The seed library is available now at either library branch.
The Muhlenberg County Seed Library is a collaboration between Muhlenberg County Public Libraries and the Muhlenberg County Conservation District.
The seed library is just what you might expect from its name. A selection of garden vegetable seeds will be available with a valid Muhlenberg County Public Libraries patron card.
The service, like most others provided by the library, is offered for free, but there is one major difference. Unlike the books, movies and other circulating materials offered by the library, the seeds in the seed library are given away, not loaned. Once chosen, the seeds you take from the seed library are yours to keep, as are the plants that hopefully will grow from them.
Library director Janet Harris said the seed library has been a very popular addition to the library’s services, and one that she’s very proud of. β€œWe love offering the seed library each year,” she said. β€œIt’s not what most people think of when they think of a library, but modern libraries aren’t just books, they’re changing along with their communities to offer more and more items that people need.
β€œThis is just another way that we can serve our community, which is our whole goal as a library system.”
Harris pointed out that gardening, as well as being a fun hobby loved by many, also has a lot of health benefits. The act of gardening involves physical outdoor activity, and in the end, it provides fresh produce that can help community members enjoy a healthy, nutritious diet. She said, β€œWe are always looking for ways to improve our community members’ lives, whether it be in the areas of health, safety, education or entertainment, and this is one of the ways we work toward that goal.”
Library users may each choose up to 15 packets of seeds from the Seed Library to use in their home gardens, and participants can choose their own seeds, according to their individual needs. You can get 15 different types or mix and match as needed.
The 2025 Muhlenberg County Seed Library includes 17 different varieties of edible plants:

  • Bush Bean – Black Valentine
  • Bush Bean – Roma II
  • Bush Bean – Strike
  • Cabbage – Early Jersey Wakefield
  • Carrot – Danver
  • Cucumber – Pickling
  • Kale – White Russian
  • Lettuce – Simpson
  • Pea – Sugar Snap
  • Pepper – Sweet Emerald Giant
  • Radish – Cherry Belle
  • Radish – Crimson Giant
  • Squash – Yellow Crookneck
  • Tomato – Calypso
  • Tomato – Floradel
  • Tomato – San Marzano
  • Zucchini – Black Beauty

Quantities are limited, and seeds will be available on a first come, first served basis. Some varieties are more limited than others, so you will want to visit the seed library early if there is a specific item you hope to take home.
The seed library has grown steadily since its beginning in 2022. Seeds were only available at the Harbin Memorial library branch that first year, Harris said, as a trial run to see how things would go with the new service. It was such a success that the seed library expanded to Central City the following year, and an increased variety was offered in 2024. The library is increasing the number of available seed varieties again this year, up from the 15 different types of seeds that were included last year.
These seeds are provided for free, but a valid Muhlenberg County Public Library card is required to access the seed library. Library cards are available at no charge to all Muhlenberg County residents with proof of residence. Property owners and those who work in Muhlenberg County are also eligible for a free library card with appropriate proof, and cards are also available for a $25/year fee for those who do not meet the residency requirements.
For more information about the seed library or other library services, please call Muhlenberg County Public Libraries at 270-338-4760.

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