Did you know that Muhlenberg County Public Libraries offers free access to ebooks, digital audiobooks and even some streaming videos, in addition to the physical items you’ll find in our libraries?
Through OverDrive/Kentucky Libraries Unbound, we provide access to more than 210,000 of these materials!
We partnered with other libraries across the state of Kentucky to provide these items to our state’s residents. All you need is a valid library card to sign in to the service and start looking for items.
The materials you access through Kentucky Libraries Unbound can be enjoyed for a limited time (usually 1-3 weeks, depending on the item) on your personal computer, tablet, phone or e-reader. When your time with the item expires, it will be automatically removed from your device and offered to the next person in line. You don’t need to do anything else, except find your next item to enjoy!
It’s easy to use Kentucky Libraries Unbound. If you’re looking for a specific item, you can search for it on our online catalog. You can use the filters in the left sidebar to narrow your search to only ebooks, audiobooks or digital video, according to your preferences.
If the items are currently available, you should see a “download” link. This will allow you to add the item to your device.
You may also see a “Place Hold” link. This means that all copies of the item are currently checked out. Even though the items are digital, we still only have a certain number of copies available, and each copy may only be used by one person at a time. However, just like with physical items in the library, you can add yourself to a waiting list. You’ll be notified when a copy is available, and you can download the item at that time.
If you don’t have a specific item in mind but would like to browse, you can visit https://kyunbound.overdrive.com/ to do so. Just sign in using your library card (make sure you select Muhlenberg County Public Libraries as your library first) and start browsing. You can narrow by “subjects” or “collections” using the menus at the top, and then you can further narrow the results by using the filters on the left side of the screen.
You can also download the Libby app to your tablet or phone to access our digital collection on those devices. Again, just sign in using your library card and begin browsing.
If you need more help getting started with OverDrive/Kentucky Libraries Unbound, you can try the help section on the webpage, or you can watch our video tutorial at https://youtu.be/7mXUGw86RNk or https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=583990175633794.
Happy reading!